1980-1991 Chevrolet or GMC Pickup Truck, K5 Blazer, Suburban or Jimmy Power Steering Gear



Please Note: This steering gear has a threaded output shaft, which indirectly turns the tires, a nut and washer is used to connect it to the pitman arm. (Please see the second photo on your left, you will see the threaded output shaft)

This Steering Gear is available in a 4 Turn option which is applicable if the vehicle is used for off-roading, has tires that are at least 37 inches in diameter, and more leverage is desired when steering.

Price includes a 250.00 core charge to be refunded when the core is returned to Classic Heartbeat.

Additional information

Weight 35 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 8 in

About Us

I created this company out of the affection I have for these trucks and the desire to sell high quality parts at reasonable prices. When you purchase from us, you are working with someone who, like you, owns, drives and works on these trucks. Not just some Operator who knows only part numbers. So whether you are looking for that “Hard To Find” used, “N.O.S.”, or that high quality “Aftermarket” part, we will do our best to supply it.

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